SBD.GL General Ledger: Part 4 Report

I set up the parameters I wanted using the report properties , parameters collection

and then I added code to the report to set the data source.

  public partial class PandLReport : DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport
        public PandLReport()

        private void InitializeParameters()
            if ((DateTime) Parameters[0].Value == DateTime.MinValue)
                var date = DateTime.Today;
                var firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
                Parameters[0].Value = firstDayOfMonth;

            if ((DateTime) Parameters[1].Value == DateTime.MinValue)
                Parameters[1].Value = DateTime.Today;

        protected override void OnParametersRequestSubmit(ParametersRequestEventArgs e)

        private void BindToData()

            var fromDate = (DateTime) this.Parameters[0].Value;
            var toDate = (DateTime) this.Parameters[1].Value  ;
            var results = PandLReportData.PandL(fromDate, toDate);
            DataSource = results;