Include a button in an XAF layout to show in the detail view and code the events

Sometimes the user doesn’t want to look on the toolbar for an action.
Consider putting a button in the actual layout.

Design your button
It is important to set the minimum size for it to be visible in the layout ( in my expereience)

In the control code behind I have

 public partial class MyButtonControl : XtraUserControl
        public MyButtonControl()

        public event Action ButtonPressed = delegate { };

        private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        public void SetButtonPressed(Action myButtonButtonClicked)
            ButtonPressed = myButtonButtonClicked;

In the editor I have

   [PropertyEditor(typeof(MyButton), true)]
    public class MyButtonEditor : WinPropertyEditor 
        public MyButtonEditor(Type objectType, IModelMemberViewItem model) : base(objectType, model)

        public override bool IsCaptionVisible => false;

        protected override object CreateControlCore()
            var myButton = PropertyValue as MyButton;
            var control = new MyButtonControl();
            control.simpleButton1.Text = myButton.Text;
            control.simpleButton1.ToolTip = myButton.ToolTip;
            return control;

Then for the class

   public class MyButton
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public Action ButtonClicked { get; set; }
        public string ToolTip { get; set; }

Now the tricky bit, a holder for MyButton.
This is where the event code goes.

   public class HeadPartMyButton
        public HeadPartMyButton(HeadRHSResult headRhsResult)
            Parent = headRhsResult;
            MyButton = new MyButton
                ButtonClicked = ThisAction,
                Text = "Copy Bill Addr",
                ToolTip = "Copy billing address to shipping address"

        [Browsable(false)] public HeadRHSResult Parent { get; set; }
        public MyButton MyButton { get; set; }

        private void ThisAction()
            var h = Parent.HeadExt;
            Parent.HeadExt.ShippingAddress = new Address2
                Street = h.BillToAddress,
                Suburb = h.BillToCity,
                State = h.BillToState,
                Postcode = h.BillToPostcode,
                Phone1 = h.Phone,
                Company = h.Customer

Now set up the holder as a property of the business object.
(Todo: Add this code)

Note the business object has some code that gets called by the Holder to refresh the display.

        public void RefreshShippingAddress()

Now include the property in the layout

Here is how it looks

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